let's move

let's move

having worked and taught in fitness and yoga spaces since i was a teenager, my practice and instructional style has gone through many cycles of transformation and rebirth to land at its current unfolding. ultimately i see movement as a time to get imaginative, playful, and engage in contradiction—and this is a practice that should be available to everyone, not just the select few.

it is a time where we can practice both being disciplined & incredibly kind with ourselves.

it is a portal where we move both more inwards and expand out into the world simultaneously.

it is a time to play and get curious—both with our own body/minds and each other when in a group format—and experiment with things like time, space, our own embodiment and energy.

my priority in class is to always create opportunities for you to engage and be curious.

where there is always an option for you to jump in, and the invitation to step back if need be. i am uninterested in a posture being perfect for the sake of perfection, for example, but rather want to find the perfect fit of it for you so it can take you where you need to go—and to embrace that this evolves day by day, moment by moment.

our bodies are not something to be fixed (in the words of justice roe williams!). they are not something to be punished. our bodies are who we are, our homes in this world, and deserve to be explored, cared for, and loved.

class times


class times 〰️




PWYC - $10-15 recommended

classes are 45-50 minutes and pull from traditions of yoga, barre, pilates, and other body-based exercises (aka not requiring weights or specific equipment). only a mat required!

  • expect a warm up that may include breath work, meditation, followed by building yoga sequences (each posture held for at least a couple rounds of breath).

    book ending or incorporated into each sequence may be more “strengthening” and “conditioning” style exercises using small pulsing movements to create muscle activation and endurance.

    practice will end with more seated or supine postures that are still work, but less focused on muscle activation and more what you think of in terms of “restorative” or “stretching.” class often closes with a little breath work and/or meditation before moving on in our day.

  • the only required equipment is a mat.

    other props that are recommended but can take many forms are a chair-like prop and blanket/towel-like prop.

    CHAIR-LIKE props are used for stability and extra support. can include the back of a couch, coffee table, table, desk chair, etc. something that can hold some weight and provide stability.

    BLANKET/TOWEL-LIKE props are used to create extra cushion and comfort.

    OPTIONAL props that can be fun to incorporate are yoga blocks, yoga straps, loop resistance bands, bolsters, or small barre balls.


my teaching is not developed in a vacuum, but instead a compilation and synthesis of a multitude of experiences, teachings, and perspectives. my priority is for my teaching to always be informed by anti-racism, intersectionality, decolonization, harm reduction, disability justice, and fat liberation.

these are the teachings my foundation is built upon, this list is also solely the trainings i’ve formally attended. there are always teachings that take place through casual discussion to hearing out lived experience that are not listed here.

  • January 2021 - ACE Certified Personal Trainer

    July 2012 - 200 RYT

  • March 10, 2024 - 1.75 hrs - Decoding Maps of 5 with Nevine Michaan

    November 2023 - 15 hrs - Weaving the Narrative with Mary Dana Abbott and Feliz Gonzalez

    Fall 2023 - 40 hrs - Fall Mentorship

    October 2023 - 10 hrs - Mapping the Body with Giustina Easton

    May 2021 - 10 hr - Practice, Praxis + Teaching with Alex Sharry

    January 2021 - 10 hr - Invisible Yoga with Dages Juvelier Keates

    December 2020 - 8 hr - Sequencing with Alex Sharry

    October 2020 - 5 hr - Katonah Yoga with Nevine Michaan

    July 2020 - 5 hr- The Magic Square and Intersectionality Training with Brima Jah

    July 2020 - 10 hr - Body Reading with Abbie Galvin

    April 2020 - 10 hr - Meditation with Ally Bogard

    April 2020 - 5 hr - Home Practice with Abbie Galvin

  • July 2021 - Yoga As An Anti-Oppression Practice with Fitness4AllBodies

    May 2021 - Deconstructing Ableism: Experiences of Disability and Illness in Fitness with Fitness4AllBodies

    March 2021 - A Movement Toward Healing & Resistance: Black Women, Trans Women, and Femme-Embodied Non-binary Bodies in the Fitness Industry with Fitness4AllBodies

    January 2021 - Using our Stories to Eradicate Toxic Masculinity in Fitness Culture with Fitness4AllBodies

    November 2020 - Fitness for all Bodies with Fitness4AllBodies

    October 2020 - How to Develop an Anti-Racism Plan for Gyms/Studios with Sonja R. Price Herbert

    September 2020 - Decolonizing Gender with Rebby Kern

    August 2020 - Fitness for all Bodies with Fitness4AllBodies

    July 2020 - Introduction to Antiracism for Personal Trainers, Strength Coaches & GEX with Sonja R. Price Herbert

    June 2020 - Anti-Racism for Wellness Professionals with Chrissy King

    June 2020 - Wellness for All with EbonyJanice and Robyn Youkilis